"Satisfaction of nursing care among traumatic brain injury patients" by Sivakami S and Kanitha D

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Nursing services are considered as one of the most important components of hospital services. Quality nursing care adds to the overall satisfaction of patient hospitalization experience. Patient satisfaction is one of the indicators in determining the quality of care in healthcare settings. Objectives: To assess the level of satisfaction on nursing care among traumatic brain injury patients and associate the level of satisfaction on nursing care with their sociodemographic variable. Method: A descriptive research design was adopted to study the satisfaction of nursing care among traumatic brain injury patients in a selected setting. A non-probability convenience sampling technique was used to select 100 traumatic brain injury patients. After obtaining consent, data were collected by interview method using the patient satisfaction with Nursing Care Scale. Result : The majority (79%) of the respondents were male, 41% were in the age group of 15-30 years, 65% belonged to the Hindu religion, 36% were educated up to high school and 72% were married. Regarding the length of stay in the hospital, the majority (60%) were admitted 3-12 days, and 66% of the respondents were not previously hospitalized. The findings of the study revealed that 46% of the respondents stated that the nursing care in the trauma centre was very good and 27% of them stated excellent care. A significant association was found between the level of satisfaction on nursing care with their religion and education. Conclusion: The study concluded that most traumatic brain injury patients were satisfied with the nursing care provided during the hospitalization.



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