"Video-assisted teaching on mental illness" by Vinisha Almeida, Nanda Kumar Paniyadi et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Introduction: Knowledge and attitude of mental illness affect behaviour tremendously. The attitude of people towards mental health problems are negative, condemned, ignorant, and apprehensive. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of video-assisted teaching (VAT) on knowledge and attitude of the public towards mental illness. Methods: A quantitative, pre-experimental one-group pre-test post-test design was used among 80 people using a judgmental sampling technique. For data collection, a knowledge questionnaire and an attitude scale were developed. An appropriate VAT was developed that was administered as an intervention. The intervention was done after four weeks and the effectiveness of the program was assessed by using the post-test knowledge score, and later an opinionnaire of the participants was collected to understand the effectiveness of the teaching module. Results: In the pre-test, 90% were having moderate knowledge and 10% were having low knowledge while in the post-test, 50% gained high knowledge, and the remaining 50% gained moderate knowledge of mental illness. The data were analyzed using a paired ‘t’ test to find the mean difference between the “pre-test” and “post-test” knowledge scores (‘t’ (30) =7.371, p<.001) which was found to be significant. Conclusion: The result revealed that video-assisted teaching was effective in building the awareness of the people.



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