"Menstrual pattern, practices, problems among adolescent girls." by Prema Janardan and R Sudha

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


A descriptive correlational study was undertaken to assess the menstrual pattern, practices, problems, and its impact on activities during menstruation among adolescent girls. Total of 123 adolescent girls were selected by using the non-probability convenience sampling technique. Demographic proforma and self report checklist was used to collect the data.The results revealed that the majority of the adolescent girls had a partially abnormal menstrual pattern and all used sanitary napkins as absorbent. The majority had reported some problems during menstruation with dysmenorrhea being the predominant one and had reported some impact on the activities during menstruation with special reference to absenteeism from school. There was a positive correlation with the activities during menstruation, which was highly significant. There was a statistically significant association between age at menarche and menstrual pattern at p<.05 level of significance and family income and menstrual problems at p<.001 level of significance. A school awareness program on menarche and menstrual problems is needed for better understanding and management.

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