"Effect of empowered female labour companion among primiparturients" by Jisha C and Sreeja G. Pillai

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Labour companionship is a core element of care for improving maternal and infant health outcomes and providing respectful maternity care for a positive childbirth experience.Objective: Evaluate the effect of empowered female labour companion on anxiety, birth outcome and maternal satisfaction among primiparturients. Methods: Quantitative approach with Quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group post-test only design was used to collect data from 34 (Experimental group-17, Control group-17) primiparturients selected by consecutive sampling technique from the labour room of Govt. Medical College Hospital, Kannur. Data was collected using an interview schedule, labour specific anxiety scale, maternal satisfaction scale and birth outcome observation record, and WHO modified partograph. Companions were also selected as per criteria. Companions of the experimental group were empowered by using educational intervention regarding dimensions of supportive care during labour and delivery. Results: The findings showed a significant difference in anxiety (U=80, Z=2.225, p<.05), maternal satisfaction (U=3.500, Z=4.867, p<.001) and birth outcome – duration of labour (p=.026) but there is no significant difference in Apgar score (U=144.500, Z=0.000, p=1.000), mode of delivery and complications (p=.310) in labour and postpartum among primiparturients. Conclusion: The study concluded that the presence of an empowered female labour companion has a significant effect in reducing anxiety, improved birth outcome- duration of labour and increased maternal satisfaction among primiparturients. The majority of the primiparturients in both groups were very much satisfied with labour and birth irrespective of labour companion receiving education. Labour companion need to be trained regarding labour supportive measures and women also to be given information and measures to make an informed decision during antenatal care visit so that each woman has sufficient time to prepare for companionship.



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