"Interventions for tracheostomy care for children: a systematic review." by NISHA LAILA Ms, Shalini G. Nayak et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Senior Nursing officer


Introduction: In the paediatric population, pressure and friction-related wounds secondary to the tracheostomy-related tubes and ties are frequently encountered and require special attention. Tragic complications of tracheostomy-related pressure ulcers result in additional infections, poor quality of life, and prolonged hospitalization of children. Taking an evidence-based approach to this current problem, a concrete question was formed for PICO, “what are the evidence based interventions for stoma care for children with a tracheostomy to prevent and reduce wound complications?” Objective: The objective of this systematic review is mainly to synthesize reports of articles on interventions of stoma care for children with a tracheostomy to prevent and reduce wound complications. Methods: Based on eligibility criteria, the search was limited to research articles published from 2000-2018 in the English language. The database searched were CINAHL (identified three articles); PUBMED (three articles); and COCHRANE (No articles relevant to tracheostomy care for children). Thirty-two articles were identified from additional records and 144 articles were identified that met the inclusion criteria through citation tracking and reference list checking of included articles. Of these, 128 articles were included after duplicates were removed. Of these records, 48 articles were screened and 29 were excluded because they did not meet the selection criteria from full text. The full text of 19 articles was reviewed. Results: A total of ten studies were identified for inclusion in the review. The descriptive synthesis of the data was done after quality appraisal and risk of bias and ten studies were included for qualitative synthesis. The studies reviewed were heterogeneous. Conclusions: All papers included in the study were of low- moderate quality. High-quality evidence from randomized controlled trials and well-designed systematic reviews were lacking. Evidence-based protocols were recommended for stoma care and policies need to be formulated for individualized patient care.



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