Design of Wide Notched-Band Circular Monopole Ultra-Wideband Reconfigurable Antenna Using PIN Diodes Switches
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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C
This communication presents the design of a circular monopole ultra-wideband (UWB) reconfigurable antenna with wide notched-band of 1 GHz which ranges from 5 to 6 GHz in UWB. The design involves a circular monopole antenna with embedded three thin slots (two vertical and one horizontal) and one rectangular slot at the top edge. The three p-i-n diodes are inserted in between vertical slots to control the flow of surface current in ON/OFF states. As a result, in all diodes’ ON and OFF states, the designed antenna shows switching of its resonance in whole UWB to wide notched band UWB applications. The CST-microwave studio software is used to simulate the structure in time domain. The full modeling of reported reconfigurable antenna that includes reactive effects of the diode is achieved by ADS circuit simulator.
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Tiwari, Annu; Yadav, Dinesh; Sharma, Purnima; and Yadav, Manish Varun, "Design of Wide Notched-Band Circular Monopole Ultra-Wideband Reconfigurable Antenna Using PIN Diodes Switches" (2024). Open Access archive. 11017.