Segment routing for WSN using hybrid optimization with energy-efficient game theory-based clustering technique

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This research focuses on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and proposes a three-phase approach to achieve energy-efficient routing. The approach consists of node deployment using Voronoi diagrams, clustering, and Cluster Head (CH) selection using energy-efficient game theory, and a routing strategy based on Improved Pelican Optimization (ImPe) segment routing. Random deployment of sensor nodes in WSNs can lead to coverage issues, and hence, in order to address this, Voronoi-based node deployment is employed to ensure uniform and balanced coverage of the monitoring area. An energy-efficient game theory-based approach is used for CH selection by considering the energy levels to select CHs for enhancing network longevity. The proposed routing mechanism utilizes segment routing, which provides deterministic routing paths from CHs to the sink (Base Station). Segment routing eliminates the need for route discovery and maintenance, making it energy-efficient. The ImPe algorithm that works on the characteristics of pelican search agents is employed to choose the optimal segment path for information sharing. The assessment based on delay, network lifetime, packet delivery ratio, residual energy, throughput, communication overhead, and energy utilization acquired the values of 2.57, 98.59, 98.29, 0.98, 238.51, 7.71, and 0.02 respectively.

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