A Review on the Role of Endogenous Neurotrophins and Schwann Cells in Axonal Regeneration

Document Type

News Article


Managing traumatic nerve injury is one of the most challenging tasks in medicine. The challenge can be attributed to the lack of neuronal cell regeneration capacity (particularly neurons of the central nervous system). Neurons in the central nervous system have the potential to regenerate from the initial phases of brain development. As neuronal cells mature, their ability to regenerate is reduced significantly. A mature nerve cell lacks the microenvironment essential for cell division or expansion other than structural maintenance.Moreover, repair and regeneration to recover neuron functioning are difficult due to neurons' tremendous complexity and dormancy. The primary significance of Schwann cells in preparing the axon for regeneration and closing the damaged gap between them is emphasized in this article. The involvement of a few endogenous neurotrophins, including notably PACAP and BDNF, plays a significant role in signaling that induces regenerative phenotypes. Exercise-mediated nerve recovery may be attributed to the involvement of endogenous neurotrophins. The article focuses on the regeneration mechanism, particularly the involvement of the Schwann cell. The regeneration and recovery of axons is an exceptionally complex process involving multiple fundamental elements. Several immune cells and macrophages play critical roles in neuron regeneration. This article discusses three essential variables that are worth investigating further: the function of neurotrophins, Schwann cells, macrophages, and interleukins. These factors can reactivate the dormant phenotypes essential for mature neuron regeneration and repair.

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