Iran's Domestic Political Situation: Implication on Relations with India

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

MA in Geopolitics and International Relations


Department of Geopolitics & International Relations

First Advisor

Ambassador D P Srivastava

Second Advisor

Hirak Jyoti Das


The article titled ‘Iran’s Domestic Political Situation: Implications on Relations with India’ highlights the issues faced by Iran domestically with a focus on the crumbling economy of Iran. Over two decades of a sanctions regime of the west, coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic, bureaucratic corruption and mismanagement has resulted in the weakening of the economy and affecting the lives of the common people. In addition to this, the insurgency movements and protests have put the Iranian regime under the focus of the world. Amidst this domestic background, the article explores the realities of India-Iran relations and the ability of Iran to navigate the domestic constraints to maintain its position in the region.
