Date of Award

Summer 10-1-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy


Department of Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Sindhu Annamalai

Second Advisor

Hashina Asravi

Third Advisor

A.Chandana, Zeel Chaudhary


Background: Stroke is a foremost cause of disability Limitations are primarily due to reduced motor functioning. Survivors indicated getting “out and about” in their community was important. Reduction of social participation leads to reduced social connections. Assistive devices maintain or improve an individual’s functioning to facilitate community participation. Ami: This scoping review aims to synthesize and summarize scientific literature about the use of assistive devices in community mobility among stroke survivors Methods: This scoping review follows Arksey and O’Malley’s framework. We included the following databases use such as Scopus, CINAHL, Web of Science, PubMed ProQuest. Keywords use such as Stroke, Assistive devices, Community mobility Results: Most of the articles were published from 2014 onwards. The academic source of all our relevant studies was journals. The geographic distribution of most of these articles is in the western and other developed countries. Discussion: •Articles published from 2014 onwards indicates that the research in this particular area has been taking place quite recently Conclusion: canes were the most frequently used assistive device by the stroke population with relatively good balance. Walking aids with more excellent base support may be more suitable than those with smaller base support for patients with relatively poor credit, e.g., walker, wheelchair. Assistive devices help in outdoor mobility by improving their transitional movements, stair climbing, and walking in the community.
