"Stem Cell Derived Cosmetic Products: An overview" by Muthukumar Amirthalingam and Raviraja N. Seetharam

Manipal Journal of Medical Sciences


In the modern society we live in, people prefer to look well-groomed and presentable. Although, this is completely based on the individual taste and personality, the beauty products help this cause in a great way and enhance the external appearance. There are many natural and synthetic cosmetic ingredients in beauty products, providing the aesthetic effect to the person. As the society and science advances, the search for newer cosmetic ingredients, which offer renewed hope to the growing beauty industry and consumers. Conditioned media has emerged as one of the disruptive innovations of recent times in cosmetic ingredients, which may provide superior products compared to conventional products. The new generation cosmetic products containing growth factors and cytokines of conditioned medium offer superior benefits to modern age consumers.
