
Manipal Journal of Medical Sciences


The biomedical engineering field has shown to foster innovation in nanotechnology. Facilitated by engineering and biotechnology, biomedical engineering has the potential to significantly influence the pharmaceutical industry. Advancements in nanotechnology can resolve current issues with drug delivery techniques by increasing efficacy or improving patient safety and patient compliance. Natural polysaccharide-based biomaterials are proving to be important in creating innovative drug delivery devices. Biodegradability and biological activity that can be controlled are important properties of polysaccharides. The tamarind industry has various by-products, including the tamarind seed. Tamarind kernel powder (TKP), also known as the decorticated flour of tamarind has been explored for its use in drug delivery. The hemicellulose component, xyloglucan (XG) is a non-expensive agro-based material that is non-toxic and biocompatible, making it suitable for controlled drug delivery systems. Nanocomposites such as tamarind seed polysaccharide (TSP) are being expansively studied. Mixing cloisite 30B solution with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and TSP in various ratios displayed a sustained drug delivery. We can predict that bioadhesive carriers, especially mucoadhesive nanopolymers, have significant potential to be an effective solution in achieving bioavailability of various drugs administered systemically or topically.
