"Preference and Readiness of Health care Students towards Inter-Profess" by Mila Nu Nu Htay, Sudipta Pal et al.

Manipal Journal of Medical Sciences


Background: Globally, the health care delivery system is focusing on the involvement of the inter-professional team. Inter-professional education (IPE) is an important strategy to train the students to be ready for collaborative practice. This study aimed to evaluate the students’ preference and readiness towards IPE. Methods: This crosssectional study was conducted in a private medical institution in Malaysia. A total of 168 medical and 129 dental students were recruited for this study. The demography, readiness of health care students for inter-professional learning scale (RIPLS) and the students’ preference to learn with other health care students were included in the questionnaire. The data were analysed using Predictive Analytics Software (PASW, version 18). Results: The overall RIPLS score of 74.66 ±7.84 (mean±SD) indicated a favourable attitude towards IPE among our study participants. Females had lower negative professional identity compared to male participants, indicating that they favoured more towards the collaborative learning environment of IPE. The preference to study with other health care students was different among the medical and dental students, which might reflect on their learning environment and study context. Conclusions: This study provided the medical and dental students’ attitude, readiness and preference for shared learning before the implementation of IPE. The overall RIPLS scale was favourable towards IPE and was similar to previous studies conducted in Malaysia. The preference to study with other health care students was different among medical and dental students. This might be reflection on their learning environment and study context
