"Effectiveness of a structured counselling program on the knowledge of " by Raddi S. A Dr, Prakash R et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Introduction: Motherhood represents a time of great change that challenges women in many ways. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to evaluate the effectiveness of a structured counselling program in terms of gain in knowledge on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and self-care behaviour and increase in use and effectiveness of coping strategies and to find the association between pretest levels of knowledge and coping strategies with selected socio demographic variables. Methods: An evaluative study was carried out to assess the effectiveness of a structured counselling program on knowledge of self care behaviour and coping strategies among HIV infected post-natal mothers. The Solomon four group randomized control design was used for the study with a sample size of 80 HIV infected post-natal mothers who were divided into four groups. The structured counselling program was administered and data were collected through Structured Knowledge Questionnaire formulated by the author and the Jalowiec Coping Scale (JCS). Results: Results showed a significant gain in knowledge of self-care behaviour and coping styles after the administration of the structured counselling program

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