Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences | Vol 1 | Iss 1

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences



I am delighted to introduce the maiden issue of the Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, to be released from the portals of Manipal College of Nursing (MCON) Manipal in its Silver Jubilee year. MCON occupies a coveted position in nursing education in India. It has marked its name in nursing research through valuable research contributions and publications. A scientific publication from our College of Nursing has been a long-awaited dream. I consider this as our contribution to health science/health research field. This journal provides a truly exciting platform for professionals from all health sciences disciplines to share their scientific advances. Launching of this journal, is at a time when all the professionals, especially healthcare professionals globally are in a paradigm shift of strongly basing their practice on evidence to provide best quality and safe services. The journal aims at providing a wide platform for communication of research findings with their professional counterparts. It intends to provide high quality content for health professionals and researchers across the world. We aspire to be one of the most sought after journals in health sciences worldwide, in terms of content and transparent reporting. The purpose of this journal is to promote excellence in research and healthcare with the vision to advance knowledge for practice and education. The editorial team is hoping to disseminate knowledge through high quality research, reviews, and contemporary healthcare related articles. It aims to connect theory and practice to produce insights that may bring out improved health outcomes. The intended readers of the journal are healthcare professionals in all fields, at all levels who are committed to advance the service through new scientific evidence. Authors are encouraged to submit their best quality work, which will receive special attention by the journal. Your submission is much appreciated and will make a valuable contribution to the development and success of the journal. An initiative of this caliber could not be successful without the help and generosity of many people. I congratulate and thank the authors of the journal for their special contribution. I am indebted to the editorial team and reviewers for their sincere efforts to bring out this path-breaking issue of MANIPAL JOURNAL OF NURSING and HEALTH SCIENCES (MJNHS). A MILLION thanks to the officials of Manipal University for the tremendous motivation and support given to us. Best wishes and thank you for being a part of this historical beginning. Sincerely, Dr Anice George Executive Editor - MJNHS

Guest Editorials


Guest Editorial
H S. Ballal Dr


Guest Editorial
K Ramnarayan Dr

Original Research


Clinico epidemiological profile of HIV-TB co-infected patients in Coastal South India
Bhaskaran Unnikrishnan Dr, Ramesh Holla Dr, Darshan B. B Dr, and Arjun B. Y Dr


Effectiveness of Yoganidra on quality of sleep among cancer patients
Divya N. Anand Ms, Linu Sara George Dr, and Anil Raj Mr


Stress factors among caregivers of children with Thalassemia
Valliammal _. Shanmugam Ms and Ramachandra


A survey on practices of koraga tribes during diarrhoea in children
Shrisha, Binu E. Margaret Mrs, and Sheela Shetty Mrs

Review Articles


Statistical and methodological challenges in cochrane public health systematic reviews: an overview
Melissa Glenda Lewis Ms, Ravishankar N Mr, Anusha Mujja Ms, and Sreekumaran Nair N Dr


Integration of evidence-based practice in nursing education: a novel approach
Preethy D'Souza Mrs, Anice George Dr, Judith A. Noronha Dr, and Vishnu Renjith Mr


Noise in neonatal intensive care unit: effects on hospitalized preterm infants
Sonia R B D'Souza Dr, Leslie E. Lewis Dr, Vijay Kumar Dr, and Asha Kamath Dr

Case Reports