"Effectiveness of Yoganidra on quality of sleep among cancer patients" by Divya N. Anand Ms, Linu Sara George Dr et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Introduction: Cancer is one of the major health problems that occur in people of all races and cultures. There is a dearth of literature on implementing non-pharmacological measures to improve quality of sleep among cancer patients. Objectives: This study assessed quality of sleep among cancer patients and the effectiveness of Yoganidra intervention on quality of sleep in terms of improvement using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Methods: A survey was used in Phase I (n=25) to assess the quality of sleep using PSQI. In phase II, an evaluative approach was used through one group pre-test post-test design (n=19).The participants with poor quality of sleep were given Yoganidra intervention. Results: Most of the participants were in the age group of 41-50 years (44%),48% were males and 52% were females, 32% received education below 10th standard, 48% were agriculturists and 84 % were married whereas16 % of them were widowed. Among the study participants, most of them (24%) suffered from breast cancer; 40% each were in stage I and Stage II. Majority (75%) of the participants were receiving chemotherapy along with radiation therapy. Paired t test was used to determine the effectiveness of Yoganidra intervention on quality of sleep, which showed that there is significant difference between pre-test and post-test mean scores on PSQI (t=3.720) (p=0.002). Conclusion: The study found that Yoganidra is an effective intervention in improving quality of sleep among cancer patients

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