"Effectiveness of Choice music and Anandabhairavi Raga on adult patient" by Jomon C. U Mr and Raja A

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Introduction: Patients become anxious prior to any invasive procedures. In an attempt to relieve anxiety among the patients undergoing invasive endoscopic interventions, music has been proposed as safe and inexpensive antianxiety intervention. Methods: The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of Choice music and Anandabhairavi raga on adult patients’ pre-procedural anxiety in Kasturba Medical College and Hospital (KMCH), Mangalore. Trueexperimental pre-test post-test design was used. Using purposive sampling technique with random assignment, 30 samples each were assigned to both the Choice music and Anandabhairavi raga groups. Pre-procedural anxiety was assessed in both the groups before and after music intervention. Results: The study identified that 93.3% of subjects had severe anxiety in Choice music group whereas 96.7% of subjects had severe anxiety in Anandabhairavi raga group before the music intervention. After the music administration, 56.7% of the subjects had mild anxiety and 43.3% had moderate anxiety in Choice music group whereas 50% of subjects had mild anxiety and 50% of subjects had moderate anxiety in Anandabhairavi raga group. Independent t test was done to compare the effectiveness of Choice music and Anandabhairavi raga and it was found that there was no significant difference in pre-procedural anxiety between two groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: It can be safely identified that both the interventions, Choice music and Anandabhairavi raga, were equally effective in reducing pre procedural anxiety.

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