"Satisfaction on healthcare services among people living with non-communicable diseases" by Anju Rose Ms, Shashidhara Y. N Mr et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Introduction: Community satisfaction towards an institution depends on its quality of care which decides the continuity in using their services. Objectives: To assess the satisfaction of people living with non-communicable diseases on healthcare services as measured by a rating scale and find the association between satisfaction on healthcare services and selected variables. Methods: A descriptive survey was conducted among 200 subjects from selected villages of Udupi District selected through non probability purposive sampling technique. These patients were suffering from asthma, hypertension, diabetes mellitus or both hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Satisfaction was measured by a three point rating scale through structured interview method. Results: The study findings showed that majority (96%) of people were satisfied with the healthcare services given by healthcare personnel through public or private agencies. The study also revealed that there was a significant association between types of clinic (x2 =39.945, p=0.001) and overall satisfaction on healthcare services and there was no significant association with age, gender, occupation, education, religion, marital status and type of diseases. Conclusion: The study concludes that the majority of the subjects were highly satisfied with the healthcare services they were obtaining from either government or private agencies

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