"Thyroid ectopia mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst (TDC): a case report" by Vijay Kumar Dr, Santhosh Prabhu Dr et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Thyroid Ectopia is a developmental defect which occurs during the stage of early embryogenesis of the Thyroid gland. A frequent presentation is around the course of the thyroglossal duct in the neck, a normal path of thyroid gland descent. If Thyroid Ectopia is mistaken for a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst and is removed unintentionally, it would cause hypothyroidism. We report a case of Thyroid Ectopia mimicking a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst in a five year old child who had subclinical hypothyroidism and having regular, long-term follow up and treated with Thyroid supplement

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