"Effectiveness of interactive session on prevention of adolescent suicide" by Sara Varughese Ms, Linu Sara George Dr et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Background: Suicide is the second leading cause of death among Indian adolescents. The school personnel play an important role in the prevention of adolescent suicides. Aims and objectives: The study aimed at assessing the knowledge on prevention of adolescent suicide as measured by a knowledge questionnaire and determine the effectiveness of an interactive session in terms of gain in knowledge scores. Materials and methods: The study comprised 68 high school teachers conveniently selected from eight English medium high schools of Udupi Taluk. One group pre-test post-test design was used. The pre-test on prevention of suicide was conducted on the first day using structured knowledge questionnaire and post-test was conducted after seven days of completion of the interactive session. Results: Most of the participants in the study were females (86.8%). The age group of 21-30 years comprised 35.3 per cent, the educational qualification of B Sc B Ed, 51.5 per cent and teaching experience of 1-10 years, 58.8 per cent. Nearly half of the participants (48.5%) had average knowledge in the pre-test and about 69.1 per cent found to have good knowledge in post-test. There was significant improvement (Z=6.851, p=0.001) in knowledge after the interactive session. Conclusion: Study results conclude that interactive session on prevention of adolescent suicide has a significant effect on gaining knowledge among teachers

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