"Materno foetal physiological parameters in sitting and left lateral position during non - stress test" by Rachel Samuel Ms, Sushmitha Karkada Ms et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Introduction: The main goal of foetal observation is a healthy new born with a mother who is healthy. The non-stress test (NST) is a primary foetal surveillance tool. This study aimed to compare the maternal physiological parameters of antenatal women during NST monitoring between sitting and left lateral position and also to determine the foetal physiological parameters during NST monitoring in sitting position and left lateral position. Methods: The study was cross over design. The antenatal women between 34 to 40 weeks of gestation were randomly given the position as Group-A or Group-B position strategy. The setting of the study was labour ward of a selected Hospital in Udupi District, Karnataka. The total number of antenatal women included in the study were 44. Results: There were significant changes in maternal physiological parameters like maternal systolic (p=0.001), diastolic (p=0.001) blood pressure and pulse rate (p=0.001) between left lateral and sitting position. There was significant difference in foetal physiological parameters like baseline foetal heart rate (p = 0.034) and deceleration (p=

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