"Reproductive health problems and health seeking behaviour among adolescent girls of Udupi district" by Swetha Pavithran Ms, Yashoda S Ms et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Introduction: Adolescence is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood. This transition phase makes them vulnerable to a large variety of morbidities among adolescent girls. Reproductive tract infections (RTIs) are one of the most prevalent health morbidities among women throughout the world especially in developing countries. Objective: To identify the reproductive health problems and health seeking behaviour among adolescent girls in Udupi district, Karnataka. Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted to determine the reproductive health problems and health seeking behaviour of 400 adolescent girls between 14-18 years age group. A valid pre-tested, reliable reproductive health problems assessment scale and health seeking behaviour scale was used to collect data. Results: The study found that among 400 adolescent girls, 183 (46.3%) had irregular menstrual cycle, 87 (21.8%) reported abdominal pain during menstruation, 63 (13.2%) reported that menstruation is interfering with day to day activities and 69 (17.2%) of the adolescent had reported excessive vaginal discharge. Other reproductive health problems experienced by adolescent girls were lower back pain (12.8%), itching in the genital region (7.7%), pain while passing urine (6.9%), urgency in passing urine (5%), excessive clots during menstruation (4%), and leaking of urine (3%). Regarding health seeking behaviour, 46 (11.5%) of total samples had positive health seeking behaviour towards reproductive health. Conclusion: The study concluded that majority of the adolescent girls suffer from one or more types of reproductive health related problems and had negative health seeking behaviour. Thus, in order to increase reproductive health seeking behaviour of adolescent girls, apart from their curricular activities, it is necessary to focus on reproductive health promotion by health care provider

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