"Awareness on health and social welfare benefits among beedi workers" by Sudina M Ms, Ansuya B Ms et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Introduction: Beedi rolling is the major occupation of the women and children residing in many villages in the country providing employment to about 4.2 million beedi workers with the highest number in MadhyaPradesh (18.3%), followed by Andhra Pradesh (14.4%) and Tamil Nadu(13.8%). The beedi workers’ welfare fund consists of combination of schemes to improve the living conditions of beedi workers and their families. The study aimed at identifying awareness regarding these benefits among the beedi workers of the selected villages in Karnataka. Material and Methods: A descriptive study design was carried out among conveniently selected two hundred women between 20 to 70 years of age. The awareness on medical and social benefits was measured by a structured knowledge questionnaire. Results: Among these 200 beedi workers, 67.5 percent had average awareness and 32.5 percent poor awareness on the available benefits. There was a statistically significant association found between the knowledge score and the age of the women (χ2 =9.204, p = 0.01). Conclusion: Lack of awareness on the available benefits reduces the utilization by the beedi workers making them vulnerable to exploitation. This ignorance also affects their health and quality of life. Imparting knowledge is imperative so that their quality of life can be improved.

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