"Parents’ attitude regarding freedom of adolescents" by Kiranpreet Kaur Ms, Balwinder Kaur Ms et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Introduction: Adolescence is the stage in which the rapid changes take place. The individual’s holistic development (physical, mental, social, moral and spiritual) takes place and they undergo revolutionary changes also, such changes during adolescence are more rapid than during infancy and childhood. As these changes take place, human personality develops into different and supplementary dimensions. As many of the parents unlike to lack their control over them therefore, they fail to assess these changes and generally show indifference, which will create lot of difficulties for their adolescence. Objective: The main objective of the study is to assess the attitude regarding freedom of adolescents (12-18 years) among their parents and its relationship with the socio- demographic variables. Method: An exploratory research design was used for the study and a total of 150 parents of adolescents from village Abbuwal were selected by simple random sampling technique. Data was collected through interview technique from parents of adolescents with the help of Likert scale. Result: The result of the study revealed that 96 (64%) of the parents have favourable attitude regarding freedom of adolescents whereas 54 (36%) of parents have unfavourable attitude regarding freedom of adolescents. Moreover, the mean attitude score was the highest and found statistically significant among parents aged between 30-40 years (p

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