"Effect of breast massage on breast milk volume" by Sharmila Jose Ms, Sonia R B D'Souza Dr et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Prematurity is a serious and unmet challenge in perinatal health care. The incidence of premature births in India in 2010 was about 13%. As survival rates of preterm infants improve, prime attention is given on the management of nutrition and the mothers are motivated to supply expressed breastmilk to improve the quality of survival. Methods: The study included mothers of preterm neonates who belonged to the 27 to 34 weeks of gestational age. Recruitment to the study was based on breast engorgement screening using a breast engorgement screening scale on the second and the third postnatal day. The study had two groups i.e., experimental and control group, 20 mothers in each group. The 24-hour breast milk volume was measured on the third and fourth postnatal day. Results: The results revealed that there was a remarkable difference in breast milk volume (p = 0.023) and the total duration of manual breast milk expression (p = 0.006) between the experimental and control group and no significant difference in the manual breast milk expression experience between experimental and control group. The study also showed that the parity (p=0.036) and previous breast milk expression (p=0.023) has a significant association with maternal breast milk expression experience. Conclusion: The study concluded that breast massage is effective in increasing the breast milk volume and reducing the total duration of manual expression of breast milk among the mothers of premature neonates.

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