"Physiological needs of immobilized patients" by Rahul Bisht Mr, Rajesh Kumar Sharma Mr et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Introduction: The term family caregiver which is associated with informal caregiver refers to an unpaid dear, friend or neighbour, who provides care to a person having an associated acute or chronic condition and desires to manage a variety of tasks, from simple ones such as bathing, dressing, and taking medications to nasogastric tube feeding and ventilator care. Objective: The objectives were to assess the perception of family members regarding psychological needs of immobilized patients. Methods and material: A descriptive survey was undertaken to assess the perception of family members regarding physiological needs of immobilized patients admitted to a selected hospital of Dehradun. A total 147 study participants were selected by purposive sampling technique and data were collected by using a structured questionnaire. Results: Result showed that majority (70.74%) of the participants were between 18–37 year, almost three fourth (71.40%) of the participants were male, most (50.34%) of the participants had higher secondary education, almost two-third (60.54%) of participants belonged to nuclear family, less than half (44.22%) participants were having children relationship with their patient, more than half (53.06%) participants were working in a service sector, more than half (56.47%) participants were having monthly income more than 10,000 rupees and approximate one third (39.46%) participants were having previous experience of hospitalization. Through structured questionnaire it was found that majority (73.2%) of family members preferred bland diet for their patient, most (81.2%) family members preferred boiled water for their patient, more than half (53.7%) of the family members perceived that six hours of sleep is sufficient for their patient, approximately three fourth (70.5%) family members perceived that massage is the only non-pharmacological intervention they would like to use to manage their patient’s pain, less than half (40.9%) of the family members perceived that frequent back care will prevent their patient from developing bedsores and every alternate (49.7%) family member thought that hand hygiene is the effective way to prevent infection from patient. Conclusion: The study concluded that if health care professionals collaborate and identify the physiological needs, which are perceived by family members who are taking care of the patient in hospital, they can improve the quality of care which a patient needs to recover fast

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