"Comparison of different body positions among COPD patients" by Sabita Negi Ms, Deepa Chugh Ms et al.

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Introduction: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a non-transferable lung illness that continuously causes toiled breathing, weakness and inconvenience. If this situation continues, the patient may exhibit proof of respiratory disappointment with adjusted mental status and a noteworthy change in the values of arterial blood gas from normal values. Objective: The objective of the study was to find the effect and compare five different body positions (sitting with back support, supine, sitting without back support, semi-fowler and standing) on peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and respiratory rate (RR) in COPD patients. Method: One group repeated measures design was chosen for the inpatient department (IPD) patients with COPD at National Heart Institute in New Delhi. Purposive sampling technique was used to obtain the sample.The interview schedule, bio-physiological measurement and observation methods were used to measure the study variable. Result: The findings revealed that PEFR achieved by patients with COPD were significantly affected by body positions. Standing (294.88±66.6) prompted results which were essentially higher than every single other position pursued by sitting without back support (273.76±68.4), sitting with back support (269.52±64.4), semi-fowler (264.54±61.9) and lowest mean percentage in the supine position (229.76±71.9) in PEFR. In respiratory rate, the highest mean percentage was found in standing position (32.89±5.9) followed by sitting without back support (32.04±5.71), semi-fowler (31.69±5.9), supine (33.98±6.8) and lowest mean percentage (32.3±5.7) in sitting with back support on RR in patients with COPD. Conclusion: It was concluded that standing position was highly effective to increase PEFR and sitting with back support to decrease RR in COPD patients.

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