"Fall prevention program for nurses" by ALISHA BHARDWAJ and DEEPA CHUGH

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


economic harm. Nurses who care for patients should be aware of the risk factors of patient falls, ways to prevent falls and provide nursing intervention. Hence, a fall prevention program was organized in order to educate the nurses regarding fall prevention. Objective: The objectives of the study were to identify the nurses’ knowledge and fall prevention practices in the hospital before and after implementation of educational sessions, to evaluate the effectiveness of fall prevention programs on nurses’ knowledge and fall prevention practices and to find out the association between post-intervention nurses’ knowledge with selected demographic variables. Method: Pre-experimental research design was used. A purposive sampling technique was used to select 60 registered nurses working at National Heart Institute, Delhi. Results: The study findings showed that the majority of staff nurses (61.7%) had average knowledge about fall prevention in the pre-test. Post-test results showed 100% improvement with staff nurses having good knowledge as compared to 26.7% in the pre-test, indicating improvement in knowledge with the program whereas, the postintervention scores showed that 100% of the departments followed a good level of practice as compared to the scores of pre-interventions. There was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge scores of the staff nurses regarding fall prevention (t = 15.837, p = .001) and pre- and post-intervention scores (t = 8.050, p = .001) regarding fall prevention practices. No association was found between post-test knowledge scores regarding fall prevention and demographic variables. Conclusion: From the findings, it can be concluded that the fall prevention program was effective in improving nurses’ knowledge and fall prevention practices.

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