Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences | Vol 7 | Iss 2

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences



I am happy to present Volume 7, Issue 2 (July 2021) of the Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (MJNHS). Life during this time was stressful, as we are facing the challenges of managing events of the first and the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and now concerned about the Omicron variant of COVID-19. I express my gratitude and salute to all the health care providers especially the nurses who are the frontline COVID warriors. This issue has original research articles on various health-related topics, review articles, and a case report. The review articles in this issue are the unheard cry of an emergency nurse and the epidemics and pandemics that changed the public health history in India highlights the pandemic the worlds had witnessed including Covid 19 pandemic. The original articles presented in this journal are in the areas of Knowledge, attitude, and practices on contraceptives in married women; effectiveness of fall prevention program on nurses’ knowledge and fall prevention practices; Risk perception, knowledge, attitude, and preventive practice towards COVID-19 outbreak; Assessment of knowledge and self-reported practice regarding selfcare of arteriovenous (AV) fistula among patients undergoing hemodialysis;Effect of dietician consultation on glycaemic control: A cross-sectional survey from the western coast of India; Assessment of compliance with the therapeutic regimen and risk for diabetic foot ulcers among patients with diabetes mellitus during COVID-19 pandemic Assessment of concerns and health-seeking behaviors related to COVID-19 infection; and ongoing trials in exercise and physical activity for postmenopausal osteoporosis. The journal also includes case study on Autism. Thanks to bepress for providing the journal management platform. The editorial team is grateful to all the editorial advisory members, authors, and reviewers for their valuable support rendered towards bringing out this issue. Thanks to Dr Binu Margaret who serves as the managing editor and all the associate editors of MJNHS. Let us all continue to take care of our health and prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Let us help the health authorities in the prevention and the management of Covid and Omicron infections. Let us continue to wear a face mask, seek treatment for any symptoms, and follow the guidelines. Stay safe; stay healthy. Dr Mamatha S Pai

Guest Editorial

Original Research


Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Contraceptives in Married Women of Odisha
SMITHA MOONJELLY VIJAYAN Dr, Mamata Das Mrs, Kajal Patwal Ms, Prachi Parichita Ms, Chhaya Sharma Ms, and Vidya Seervi Ms


Effect of dietician consultation on glycaemic control: a cross-sectional survey from western-coast of India.
Prabhath Matpady, Gundmi Arun Mayya, Praveena Mogan, Jeevan K. Shetty, and Shashikiran Umakanth


A review of ongoing trials in exercise and physical activity for postmenopausal osteoporosis
Anupama D S, Judith Noronha, Kiran K V Acharya, Mukhyaprana Prabhu, and Baby S. Nayak

Review Articles


The unheard cry of an emergency nurse
Monica Rita Hendricks and Dr.Sunil Kumar Shetty


Epidemics and Pandemics: that changed the public health history
Suja Karkada Dr., Mickael Antonie Joseph Dr., Celastin Susan, Veena Sophiya Menezes, and Lanet Smitha Karkada

Case Report


Autism: A Case Report
Sunitha Solomon-Calvin Ms. and Anice George Dr.