"Risk perception and preventive practice towards COVID-19 outbreak" by SWAPNA K G

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic affects people of all ages; healthy and unhealthy. The only measure for prevention of the spread of infection is SMS (social distance, mask and sanitation) in the absence of an effective drug or vaccine. The lockdown had affected people’s mobility and livelihood.

Objectives: This study assessed the risk perception, knowledge, attitude and preventive practice of people of Kerala towards Covid-19 outbreak immediately after the fourth phase of lockdown and the association between the risk perception, knowledge, attitude and preventive practices and sociodemographic variables and the factors associated with risk perception.

Methods: The online survey using Google Forms was conducted during the month of July, 2020 and 451 persons from all 14 districts participated in the study.

Results: Majority of the study participants (266, 60%) perceived their risk as low. Most of the participants (313, 69.4%) had very high level of knowledge with overall correct rate of 86% regarding symptoms, risk factors, mode of spread and treatment of COVID-19. The mean (sd) scores of knowledge, attitude and preventive practice were 12.6 (1.8), 4.6 (1.2) and 9.3 (1.1). Most of the participants (428, 94.9%) expressed negative attitude about control of the outbreak and they (420, 93.1%) had good preventive practice. The risk perception was significantly associated with preventive practice (p

Conclusion: There is need for effective health education programs aimed at enhancing positive attitude and adherence to strict practices of SMS (social distance, mask and sanitation) and updated knowledge of COVID-19 are needed to contain the pandemic at the local level.

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