Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences | Vol 8 | Iss 1

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences



I am happy to present Volume 8, Issue 1 (Jan 2022) of the Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (MJNHS). This issue has original research articles on various health-related topics, review articles, protocol and a case report. Thanks to bepress for providing the journal management platform. The editorial team is grateful to all the editorial advisory board members, authors, and reviewers for their valuable support rendered towards bringing out this issue. Thanks to Dr Binu Margaret who serves as the managing editor and all the associate editors of MJNHS. I am grateful to the team of Manipal Universal Press (MUP) for copyediting, designing and publishing the MJNHS. Stay safe; stay healthy.

Original Research


Review Articles

Case Report