"Mental health research on scheduled tribes in India" by S. Devarapalli, Sudha Kallakuri et al.

Mental health research on scheduled tribes in India

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Indian Journal of Psychiatry


Background: The burden of mental illness among the scheduled tribe (ST) population in India is not known clearly. Aim: The aim was to identify and appraise mental health research studies on ST population in India and collate such data to inform future research. Materials and Methods: Studies published between January 1980 and December 2018 on STs by following exclusion and inclusion criteria were selected for analysis. PubMed, PsychINFO, Embase, Sociofile, Cinhal, and Google Scholar were systematically searched to identify relevant studies. Quality of the included studies was assessed using an appraisal tool to assess the quality of cross-sectional studies and Critical Appraisal Checklist developed by Critical Appraisal Skills Programme. Studies were summarized and reported descriptively. Results: Thirty-two relevant studies were found and included in the review. Studies were categorized into the following three thematic areas: alcohol and substance use disorders, common mental disorders and sociocultural aspects, and access to mental health-care services. Sociocultural factors play a major role in understanding and determining mental disorders. Conclusion: This study is the first of its kind to review research on mental health among the STs. Mental health research conducted among STs in India is limited and is mostly of low-to-moderate quality. Determinants of poor mental health and interventions for addressing them need to be studied on an urgent basis.

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