"Design of dual hormone blood glucose therapy and comparison with singl" by Cifha Crecil Dias, Surekha Kamath et al.

Design of dual hormone blood glucose therapy and comparison with single hormone using MPC algorithm

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IET Systems Biology


The complete automated control and delivery of insulin and glucagon in type 1 diabetes is the developing technology for artificial pancreas. This improves the quality of life of a diabetic patient with the precise infusion. The amount of infusion of these hormones is controlled using a control algorithm, which has the prediction property. The control algorithm model predictive control (MPC) predicts one step ahead and infuses the hormones continuously according to the necessity for the regulation of blood glucose. In this research, the authors propose a MPC control algorithm, which is novel for a dual hormone infusion, for a mathematical model such as Sorenson model, and compare it with the insulin alone or single hormone infusion developed with MPC. Since they aim for complete automatic control and regulation, unmeasured disturbances at a random time are integrated and the performance evaluation is projected through statistical analysis. The blood glucose risk index (BGRI) and control variability grid analysis (CVGA) plot gives the additional evaluation for the comparative results of the two controllers claiming 88% performance by dual hormone evaluated through CVGA plot and 2.05 mg/dl average tracking error, 2.20 BGRI. The MPC developed for dual hormone significantly performs better and the time spent in normal glycaemia is longer while eliminating the risk of hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia.

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