A study of metabolic syndrome and its association with demographic, anthropometric and biochemical parameters

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Biomedicine (India)


Introduction and Aim: Metabolic syndrome (Mets) is a constellation of interrelated metabolic rearrangements like obesity, hypertension, hyperglycemia, and dyslipidemia which can predispose to a greater risk of developing cardiovascular events. This study is aimed to assess the demographic profile of Mets in rural Calicut of Southern India. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out over a period of one year in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Anthropometric measurements (height, weight, waist circumference) and blood pressure were taken. Fasting blood samples were analyzed to measure glucose, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and thyroid-stimulating hormone. Results: Out of the randomly selected 650 patients, 347 (53.3%) were males and 303(46.6%) were females, adopting the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III criteria (NCEP ATP III) Mets was more prevalent in females than in men (34.32% v/s 14.12 %). Maximum numbers of Mets cases were in the age range of 50–59 years followed by 40–49 years. Among the 153 cases of Mets, decreased high-density lipoprotein was the most common (99 %) among females and hyperglycemia (51%) among males. Conclusion: The prevalence of MetS in the <50 years’ age group is rapidly increasing. It's high time to be more active physically before the onset of any fatal cardiovascular events.

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