Region Detection and Segmentation of Brain Hemorrhage using Algorithmic Approach of Image Processing

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Brain is one of the most important part of the body. Brain Hemorrhage is a severe head injury that deteriorates the performance and function of an individual. Brain Hemorrhage can be detected through CT (Computer Tomography) scan of the brain. CT scan uses narrow X-ray beam which rotates around the part of the body and provides a set of images from different angles and the computer creates a cross-sectional view. It is challenging to detect and segment the region of the brain having Hemorrhage. Hence an automated system would be handy at those times. In the proposed work an attempt has been made to segment and identify the hemorrhaged region of the brain in the CT scan slices of the image. Brain hemorrhage segmentation helps to identify the region of brain hemorrhage which in turn helps to treat the patients at an early stage. The region of brain hemorrhage is appropriately identified from the proposed algorithm.



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