Novel architectures for power management in AC ring main system connected to electric vehicle charging station

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Energy Reports


The Domestic Photovoltaic (DPV) installation along with Domestic Energy Storage System (DESS) can play effective role in AC Ring Main Residential Distribution Network (ACRMRDN) to address the impact of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging on residential distribution network. This paper proposed two different architectures with structural changes for effective energy management in AC ring main system connected to electric charging station. The main aim of this research is to design the electric vehicle charging infrastructure in support of DPV and DESS. The effective implementation of such charging infrastructure motivate domestic consumer to play a role of prosumer. It also encourages prosumer to install independent domestic energy storage system to speedily recover installation cost of DPV and earn regular income by selling out power to electric charging stations during peak load condition. It creates win-win situation for prosumers and EV charging station to earn profit. The suggested architectures help the power system to grow individually. Such decentralization of power system reduces the impact of EV load demand and improves the reliability and stability of power system. A proposed novel architecture helps in promoting use of electric vehicle and Renewable Energy Sources (RES). On the basis of number of EVs predictions and corresponding EV load data the profit of prosumers and electric charging stations are increased to 50% and impact of EV load on the AC grid is reduced to 100%. The analysis of equivalent model of proposed architecture is done through MATLAB software.

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