Photo-realistic photo synthesis using improved conditional generative adversarial networks

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IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence


There are a wide range of potential uses for both the forward (generating face drawings from actual images) and backward (generating photos from synthetic face sketches). However, photo/sketch synthesis is still a difficult problem to solve because of the distinct differences between photos and sketches. Existing frameworks often struggle to acquire a strong mapping among the geometry of drawing and its corresponding photo-realistic pictures because of the little amount of paired sketch-photo training data available. In this study, we adopt the perspective that this is an image-to-image translation issue and investigate the usage of the well-known enhanced pix2pix generative adversarial networks (GANs) to generate high-quality photorealistic pictures from drawings; we make use of three distinct datasets. While recent GAN-based approaches have shown promise in image translation, they still struggle to produce high-resolution, photorealistic pictures. This technique uses supervised learning to train the generator's hidden layers to produce low-resolution pictures initially, then uses the network's implicit refinement to produce high-resolution images. Extensive tests on three sketchphoto datasets (two publicly accessible and one we produced) are used to evaluate. Our solution outperforms existing image translation techniques by producing more photorealistic visuals with a peak signal-to-noise ratio of 59.85% and pixel accuracy of 82.7%.

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