"Introducing and validating a single-item measure of identity leadershi" by Niklas K. Steffens, Srinivasan Tatachari et al.

Introducing and validating a single-item measure of identity leadership: The visual identity leadership scale (VILS)

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British Journal of Social Psychology


In the present research, we introduce and validate a single-item measure of identity leadership—the visual identity leadership scale (VILS). The VILS uses Venn diagrams of sets of overlapping circles to denote different degrees of alignment between a leader's characteristics and behaviours and a group's values and goals. Key advantages of the VILS over other existing multi-item scales are that it provides a holistic assessment of identity leadership, is short, and can be adapted to address novel research questions that are impractical to address with existing scales (e.g. in diary studies, assessing multiple comparisons of many leaders or groups). Data from three studies (conducted in India, the United States and Germany) provide evidence of the VILS' construct reliability and validity. Results also showcase the instrument's capacity to be adapted to assess variations of identity leadership—for example, by assessing a leader's convergence with descriptive and ideal notions of collective self (i.e. with ‘who we are’ and ‘who we want to be’). We discuss the value of including the VILS in the toolbox that researchers and practitioners can utilize to expand our understanding of identity processes in leadership and group behaviour.



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