Effectiveness of social robots as a tutoring and learning companion: a bibliometric analysis

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Cogent Business and Management


A long-term perspective on how technology will mature is needed whereby robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) have accomplished a consequential and remarkable impact by finding their way into mainstream higher education. Robots have already become an indispensable factor in society and possess high potency as a part of educational technology. Social robot education is limited to complementing the digital aptitude of students in the world of information, and the role of social robots is crucial in polishing students ‘cognitive and social abilities. This study reviews the effectiveness of social robots in education, where we highlight the application of educational robots, surrounded by a blend of social robots and enactive didactics, which could lead to promising ideas for tutoring activities in education. It is empirically proven that social robots can assist with literature, science, or technology education. We synthesize the role of social robots in education and weigh their pros and cons by examining the impact of their appearance on robots’ performance as tutors, tools, or peers in learning exercises. The current study is the first bibliometric analysis that reflects robots’ impact in the education field as tutors and learning companions. A total of 288 articles were reviewed, and the data were extracted to construct an overview through bibliometrics. The outcome of this study paves the way for educational institutes to make informed and fruitful decisions on the applicability of robots, which can help them comprehend the learning styles of students and create knowledgeable and well-adjusted learners.



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