Correction: A review of the components of exercise prescription for sarcopenic older adults (European Geriatric Medicine, (2022), 13, 6, (1245-1280), 10.1007/s41999-022-00693-7)

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European Geriatric Medicine


The citations in tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 were partially incorrect. The corrected Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 are given below. (Table presented.) (Table presented.) (Table presented.) (Table presented.) Prescription components for resistance exercises (n = 27) Author (s) details, study design and settings Participants (number and age) Diagnostic criteria Single/multicomponent program Frequency/week Intensity Time/session Total duration (weeks) Laddu et al. [32], Pilot study IG (n = 60) CG (n = 30) EWGSOP 2 Single component 2/week 40–80% 1RM Protocol 12 Seo et al. [34], RCT and Community dwelling IG-12 (Age 70.3 ± 5.38) CG-10 (Age 72.9 ± 4.75) IWGS and EWGSOP Single component 3/week Intensity OMNI Scale/Colour; week 1-2: 4/yellow; week 3–4: 5/yellow; week 5–8: 6/yellow; week 9–12: 7/yellow; week 13–16: 8/yellow Warm-up (stretching): 5 min; Resistance exercise: 50 min; cool down (Stretching): 5 min 16 Kuptniratsaikul et al. [19], Prospective longitudinal clinical trial and community dwelling n = 89 (Age 69.4 ± 6.3) AWGS Single component 3–5/week Tolerable 30 min 24 Chang et al. [30], RCT Early intervention 29 (age 74.3 ± 5.8) Delayed intervention 29 (age 75.7 ± 5.9) EWGSOP Multicomponent At OPD 2/week Home-based 5 or more days/week 40% 1RM At OPD Warm-up 10 min Resistance exercise 25 min Cool-down 10 min Home-based exercise program 30 min/day (with total of 150 min per week) 12 Osuka et al. [15], RCT, community-dwelling older adults Exs + HMB N = 36, Exs + placebo n = 37, education + HMB n = 36, education + placebo n = 35 AWGS Single component 2/week < 12 RPE 60 min 12 Chiang et al. [23], RCT, nursing home residents CG (only exercise)12(Age 84.67 ± 7.5) Milk + exercise 12 (Age—85.25 ± 5.38) Soymilk + exercise 12 (age 85 ± 5.62) AWGS Single component 3/week Mild 30 min 12 Weeks Caballero-García et al. [39], placebo-controlled trial N = 44 Placebo group 22 Citrulline-malate supplemented group 22 Avg age M 64.8 ± 3.6, F 65.4 ± 4.4 NR Multicomponent NR Level of effort 8 reps 20 min 6 Chen et al. [25], RCT, community dwelling n = 51 AWGS Single component 3/week LRT-BFR: 20–30% 1RM; CRT: 60–70% 1RM LRT-BFR: 30 s interval between sets; CRT: 60 s interval between sets 12 Moghadam et al. [36] ET + RT = 10 RT + ET = 10 CG = 10 NR Multicomponent 3/week 40–75% 1RM 2 min interval between sets 8 Makizako et al. [17], RCT and community dwelling IG: n = 33(Avg age-74.1 ± 6.6, CG: n = 34(Avg age 75.8 ± 7.3) AWGS Multicomponent NR NR 25–30 min 12 Liang et al. [18], RCT and post-acute care unit IG (n = 30), CG (n = 29) Avg. age 87.3 ± 5.4 years AWGS Multicomponent 2/week 70–80% 1RM 20 min training 12 Chow et al. [22], RCT and community dwelling EXS + HMB: n = 48, CG: n = 48 and vibration + HMB: n = 48 AWGS Single component 3/week NR 30 min 12 Letieri et al. [37], RCT and community dwelling LI-BFR (n = 11) (69.40 ± 5.73 years), CG (n = 12) (69.00 ± 6.39 years) NR Single component 3/week 20–30% 1RM 20 min 16 Jung et al. [20], community dwelling EG: n = 13 (75.0 ± 3.9 years),CG: n = 13 (74.9 ± 5.2 years) AWGS Single component 3/week 60–80% HRR 75 min 12 Martin Del Campo Cerventes et al. [31], longitudinal intervention study and nursing homes n = 19 (Avg. age 77.7 ± 8.9 years) EWGSOP Single component 3/week Moderate–high intensity NR 12 Vikberg et al.

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