Towards Comprehensive Home Automation: Leveraging the IoT, Node-RED, and Wireless Sensor Networks for Enhanced Control and Connectivity †

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Engineering Proceedings


Automation seems widespread today, yet it is not implemented in daily life. However, most home automation systems are expensive, object-dependent, and lacking in crucial features. The Internet of Things was enabled by this paper’s low-cost home automation system. For development of the IoT, the system used Node-RED, an open-source platform that uses nodes to visualize tasks. This innovation could operate home devices, including plugs, from anywhere. Wireless sensor network (WSN) technology would record and upload data to the web server from each room. Using the publish-and-subscribe Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol, these WSN technologies would communicate. The third feature can modify notifications. In situations of doubt, the house member would be notified by email. This proposal promotes home automation through the IoT.



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