Estimation of Energy Storage Capability of the Parallel Plate Capacitor Filled with Distinct Dielectric Materials

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Engineering Proceedings


In the present work, the behavior of parallel plate capacitors filled with different dielectric materials and having varied gaps between the plates is developed and analyzed. The capacitor model’s capacitance and energy storage characteristics are estimated numerically and analytically. The simulation results of the model developed in the Multiphysics simulation package show that the capacitance of the capacitor decreases with an increase in the gap between the plates. Similarly, energy storage capacity increases with the material’s dielectric constant, with PVDF showing enhanced storage capacity. Further, the results of both analytical and numerical methods were in good agreement. Thus, the developed model was validated. The findings can potentially advance the design and optimization of capacitor-based systems, enabling the development of improved sensors, actuators, and efficient energy storage applications.



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