Heuristic Exploration of Vital Parameters for Cash Transactions through Mobiles in the Coastal Hinterland of India

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Engineering Proceedings


The people of India sought digital modes of payment during the demonetization period in India (2016); with the increasing growth of the internet, electronic commerce (e-commerce) websites have become imperative for securely accessing payment gateways, encouraging the growth of digital payment processes and payment app development. During the pandemic, there was an exponential increase in mobile payments using smartphones. The usage of mobiles and their market penetration with government schemes such as ‘Digital India’ accelerated the use of mobile payments by a large percentage of customers in the coastal hinterland (Manipal) of India. This study aimed to analyze the critical factors influencing digital payments in the university town of Manipal. From the literature, 13 regressors were shortlisted, and their effect was measured against a behavioral intention to use mobile payments. A structured and validated questionnaire is used as a research tool for data collection that is analyzed using structural equation modeling. The structure equation modeling included using smart partial least squares (SPLS), in which path coefficients, t-statistics, and consistency tests were conducted. The investigation found that ease of use, social influence, perceived behavioral control, rewards and offers, credibility, compatibility, perceived cost, impact on the environment, and government schemes have a positive influence on m-payments. Social influence has a strong influence on m-payments and is a direct enabler of technology acceptance. The critical factors were identified by using smart PLS as being ease of use and social influence, which were identified as the critical factors concerning m-payments.



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