A Comprehensive Review on the Application of 3D Convolutional Neural Networks in Medical Imaging

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Engineering Proceedings


Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are kinds of deep learning models that were created primarily for processing and evaluating visual input, which makes them extremely applicable in the field of medical imaging. CNNs are particularly adept in automatically identifying complex patterns and features in pictures like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. They accomplish this by capturing hierarchical information utilizing layers of convolutional and pooling processes. By enabling precise disease diagnosis, anatomical structure segmentation, and even patient outcomes’ prediction, CNNs have transformed medical imaging. In this review paper, we examine how crucial CNNs are for improving diagnostic effectiveness and efficiency across a range of medical imaging applications. This review details how Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are used, focusing on the development and use of 3D CNNs for processing and categorizing multidimensional and moving images. The paper discusses how critical 3D CNNs are in areas like analyzing surveillance videos and, especially, in the field of medical imaging to find pathological tissues. With this method, pathologists can segment the layers of the bladder with a lot more accuracy, which cuts down on the time they have to spend looking over them by hand. CNNs use specific filters to find spatial and temporal relationships in images, making understanding and interpreting them easier. CNNs are better at fitting image datasets because they have fewer parameters and weights that can be used more than once. This makes the network better able to understand complex images. This thorough review shows how 3D CNNs could improve the speed and accuracy of processing and analyzing medical images and how far they have already come.



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