Worker saving attitude towards retirement planning: A study on Indian textile industry

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Industria Textila


The uneven and polarised nature of development has propagated disparities in access to services. Uncertainties in the textile sector have not only affected the economy but have impacted the livelihood of workers dependent on this sector. Systematic retirement planning could have eased the anxiety and inconvenience to a larger extent but was non-existent to a larger extent. This has further become a critical problem as life expectancy has grown, as have health-care expenditures. The purpose of this research is to look at the link between saving attitudes about “personal financial planning and retirement planning behaviour “of workers from textile factories within the industrial area of Solapur and Pune, in the Indian state of Maharashtra. A total of 200 workers were polled, and the chi-square test with regression analysis tested the data. The study found a strong association between the idea of financial awareness and superannuation planning within textile workers leading to improved savings attitude. Workshops, seminars, and other mediums of communication were revealed as means for improved retirement savings. A sound financial attitude may not be limited to the stages of retirement financial behaviour; a potential issue for future research would be to use the created financial literacy scale to explore its association with a broader spectrum of financial behaviour.

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