Pencil-drawn graphitic traces on sticky note paper for wearable electronics

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Pencil-on-sticky note paper electrodes (PeoS) is a novel electrode fabrication method, using graphite from a pencil lead as an active material and sticky note paper as the substrate. This technique offers a low-cost and simple alternative for the fabrication of electrochemical sensors. In this paper, we aim to investigate the potential of PeoS as an effective electrode material for wearable electronic applications. The SEM images show overlapping graphite flakes, and the resistance of graphitic electrodes is found to be greater for xerox paper than for sticky note paper. An RC circuit based on sticky note paper yields the true nature for the square wave input. A bending test of the pencil-on-sticky note paper circuit shows an almost constant resistance value, showing PeoS has the potential to be used as a cost-effective alternative to traditional electrodes in wearable electronic applications, providing promising results for the future of non-invasive measurements of electrical signals.



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