Summary of - Factors Influencing Customer Preference of Cardless Technology Over the Card for Cash Withdrawals: An Extended Technology Acceptance Model

B K Nambiar,
K Bolar


Study Background: The study investigates the factors influencing customer preference for cardless cash technology over traditional debit cards for ATM withdrawals.

Research Goals and Hypotheses: The goal is to identify and analyze the factors driving customer preference for cardless cash technology. The hypothesis is that cardless technology is preferred for its usefulness rather than ease of use, trust, or security.

Methodological Approach: A cross-sectional survey of 521 bank customers was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire. Predictive analytics and data mining techniques were employed to analyze the responses.

Results and Discoveries: The study found that customers prefer cardless cash for its usefulness. Factors like ease of use, trust, and perceived security were less influential compared to the usefulness of the technology.

Publication Date: 2023

Recommended Citation: Nambiar, B.K., & Bolar, K. (2023). Factors influencing customer preference of cardless technology over the card for cash withdrawals: An extended technology acceptance model. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 28(1), 58-73.