Summary of - accessory hepatic artery originating from the left gastric artery: an unusual branching pattern of the foregut artery

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Study Background: The hepatic artery proper (PHA) divides into left and right branches, which subsequently enters the porta hepatis to supply the respective lobes of the liver. However, it was reported that the hepatic arterial supply is variable from the anatomical norm.

Research Goals and Hypotheses: The aim is to report a case of accessory hepatic artery originating from the left gastric artery and supplying the left anatomical lobe of liver.

Methodological Approach: The other branches from the coeliac trunk were found normal in this cadaver.

Results and Discoveries: This anatomical case report is enlightening to the laparoscopic surgeons and prior knowledge about this arterial variation will prevent the catastrophic intraoperative complications like bleeding.

Recommended Citation: Rao YL, Lodha S, Saralaya VV, Salim S, Murlimanju BV. Accessory hepatic artery originating from the left gastric artery: an unusual branching pattern of the foregut artery. J Morphol Sci 2022;39:359-360. DOI: 10.51929/jms.39.359.2022

Publication Date: 2022

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