"Summary of - Light emitting diodes (LEDs) in fluorescence-based analyt" by Darshan Chikkanayakanahalli Mukunda, Vijay Kumar Joshi et al.

Summary of - Light emitting diodes (LEDs) in fluorescence-based analytical applications: a review

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In recent times, fluorescence-based analytical devices are getting more equipped with LEDs than conventional light sources because of their availability in a broad range of wavelengths and appropriate power outputs. Further, LEDs are compact and affordable compared to com-monly used light sources. LEDs have played a key role in miniaturizing the fluorescence detection devices and bringing the instrument to the experiment, rather than vice versa. The current review summarizes the key factors in developing a sensitive, affordable, and portable LED-Induced Fluorescence (LED-IF) detection-based analytical devices and their applications in various fields. The first part of the review discuss the fundamental aspects of fluorescence as well as LEDs in general. Whereas the second part highlights the technical considerations and the applications of sensitive LED-IF detection-based analytical devices Study Background: The study was conducted to understand the factors influencing perceived learning among hospitality students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Theory of Transactional Distance (TTD) provided the theoretical framework for analyzing the impact of various interactions on learning outcomes.

Publication Date: 24 October 2020

Recommended Citation

Mukunda, D. C., Joshi, V. K., & Mahato, K. K. (2022). Light emitting diodes (LEDs) in fluorescence-based analytical applications: a review. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 57(1), 1–38. https://doi.org/10.1080/05704928.2020.1835939

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