Implementation of Article 5.3 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in India.

Document Type

News Article


Early-career interdisciplinary researcher with a focus on tobacco control and a strong interest in public health policy. Research Scholar at Department of Community Medicine, MAHE in the area of global tobacco control policies funded by the GCRF Tobacco Control Capacity Program, The University of Edinburgh, UK. Received the Visiting research fellow award from The University of Bath, UK and a honorary research associate from Institute of Public Health (IPH) Bengaluru.

Academically an Assistant Professor with ten years of experience working in higher education and three years in Printing and Advertising industry. Skilled in teaching, Marketing, Law, and Corporate Governance. Strong education professional with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Marketing.

Weblink for the recent publications

1. Advancing whole-of-government approaches to tobacco control: Article 5.3 and the challenge of policy coordination in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India and Uganda

2. Institutional tensions, corporate social responsibility and district-level governance of tobacco industry interference: analysing challenges in local implementation of Article 5.3 measures in Karnataka, India

3. Norms, rules and policy tools: Understanding Article 5.3 as an instrument of tobacco control governance

4. Strengthening tobacco control policies during the COVID-19 pandemic in India

5. The association between the retail price of manufactured cigarettes and bidis on current smoking status in India,146904,0,2.html

6. Beedi rollers’ perception toward alternative means of livelihood amid economic benefits

Publication Date

Spring 10-1-2022
